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Try Out

Ready to join the league?

Roller derby is more than a sport - it’s a community. No skating skills are required to become a Windy City Roller - we’re looking for people with great attitudes and a willingness to learn! For new skaters, we offer periodic Learn to Skate Clinics that offer an introduction to basic skating skills. It is not required to attend Learn to Skate clinics to tryout for the league, but we encourage them for anyone who may want to try skating before committing.

Fill out this form to be added to the list to receive updates about upcoming Learn to Skate Clinics and new member intakes!


Already have roller derby experience?

For experienced skaters, we want to make sure you are placed correctly within our league, based on your skill level.

Any skater who was a part of another roller derby league is eligible to submit their transfer intent. This includes skaters who have not yet passed minimum skills and skaters who haven’t played for several years - there is a place for skaters of all levels!

Join Officiating

Want to join the best Zebra team in the midwest?

Our officials don’t only attend our bouts, they are present throughout the season to assist with practices and scrimmages. Our officials are an important part of the Windy City Rollers Family, and we couldn’t do it without them. Our officials also represent WCR in WFTDA bouts and tournaments, including playoffs.

Are you interested in becoming a skating or non-skating official with WCR? We’d love to have you! 

Drop In

Want to skate with us?

All visiting skaters must have proof of current insurance and sign a waiver releasing us from liability in case of injury. Please bring your own gear, and keep in mind that all safety equipment is required.
Before your visit, please give us at least 2 weeks notice prior to your trip so we can properly coordinate with you and our coaches.